The laser rejuvenation of the skin of the face and the body

the laser rejuvenation of the skin

The laser rejuvenation of the skin of the face and the body help is always attractive, by eliminating the changes of age and different defects. And the dreams of every woman. However, with time, the true age of to hide it all the more difficult, appear wrinkles, pigmentation, the skin starts to squeeze, cosmetic, decorative no longer saves, a background of makeup and powders does not disguise defects as before. The stress, nervous tension, the bad, the environmental situation, poor diet, tobacco and alcoholic beverages, the habit of constantly squint their eyes and wrinkle the forehead, even the love of the consumption of juices with the help of a tube – all these factors influence negatively on the appearance and cause premature aging. Thanks to advances in modern cosmetology not only the suspension of this process, but also prevent the appearance of age changes.

The indications for laser resurfacing

  • puppets of wrinkles and small fractures around the eyes;
  • deep nasolacrimal and nasolabial grooves;
  • ptosis of the tissues;
  • "bulldog cheeks and bryli;
  • age spots;
  • pores;
  • uneven bumpy skin;
  • "grey" unhealthy.

For which it is suitable?

It is considered that a year gives the face and figure in general. This is not exactly so, therefore, to rejuvenate the best and other parts of the body. The method will be effective when applied on the neck, neckline and hands, also do not forget, as they are often exposed to the negative effects (to wash the dishes, ignoring the gloves and masks nutritious, the uv radiation).

The principle of the technology

The procedure laser resurfacing of the skin is divided into several types, however, all of them are based on the light impact. The rays heat the skin, heat-shock cells die they can't stop working, "healthy" start to the division. This contributes to several processes: to improve the exchange of substances at the cellular level, stimulating the growth of fibroblasts and skin protein, elastin, as well as the launch of neocollagenesis– repair the collagen and the development of a new one.

The diversity of methodologies

The procedure of laser resurfacing can be done by means of the facilities NEOSYS (Q-Switched Nd:YAG Laser System or Fraxel. This depends on the device and the parameters that you can configure. As a general rule, doctors apply both types, the combination of them to more of a visible effect.

Its peculiarity consists in that light is emitted, the single stream, and is divided into one hundred microbeam. They leave a trace in the form of a "grid". Because of this, you can influence in the problem areas, without touching those that do not need correction. This "spending" destroys unsustainable cells, stimulating the growth of new ones. In its place will form the crust. Do not try to get rid of it! It should drop independent to avoid the appearance of a series of irregularities. Be prepared for the fact that the person acquires an intense red colour. It would be better if the seven-ten days, you can be in your home until the skin recovers. Remember to comply with all recommendations of your doctor-aesthetics is very important.

Also the laser resurfacing to make possible a system of NEOSYS. Then it will be called neodymium. The depth of penetration of its radiation does not affect the epidermis, and penetrate directly into the dermis. It produces a slight warming of the tissues, as a result of which subcutaneous in the frame of the fibers is strengthened, which leads to the surgery.

This technology does not cause pain and discomfort. The rehabilitation after it only lasts for 2-3 days. Of a diversity of related phenomena will be only a small redness and a little swelling.

With this laser also are dark and color of the tattoo, make carboxlico peel that removes blackheads, acne, fat gain, normalizes the functioning of sebaceous glands, acne cure. Will available wavelengths of 532, 585, 650 and 1064 nanometers.


To look younger will not only help you to laser, and phototherapy. Thus, significantly improve the quality of the skin and get rid of the deficiencies in the form of wrinkles, obvisaniya and the pigmentation is possible thanks to a system of IPL-Quantum. The light energy carefully affects the tissue, the intensification of the summatim collagen and elastic fibers. This provides a remarkable lifting effect. To increase the transmission of light is used the gel, which had been previously treated with a correction area. To ensure that the work of a beautician was not the pain, anesthetic is applied the cream.

The laser rejuvenation is different from other treatments methodologies easy to rehabilitation, the length of time that elapses without peeling, redness and bruising. For the positive change in appearance is evident, it is necessary to the course of the proceedings.

How to prepare?

If you decide to use the photorejuvenation or laser resurfacing, it is necessary to remember the herpes cold sores on the stage of intensification is the element by which beautician rejected in the procedure, the acne, on the contrary, it will be an indication for the treatment of the neodymium laser.

Another of the "stop-factor" for laser resurfacing serves the tan fresh. When planning a trip to a doctor before you take measures: try to avoid prolonged exposure to the sun, if this is not possible, use protective sprays.

As everything happens?

Those who often attend to the beautician, you know that all the sessions are held around the same. In the pre-consultation, the doctor speaks with the patient, inquire about his state of health and informs you about contraindications. After this, the specialist proposes to sign the informed consent for medical intervention, and it will proceed to the visual inspection. Wondering, what are the disadvantages of that fight, is clean the area with which to work, the dirt and debris of makeup and imposes the anesthetic. Only when he will act, is of about 20-30 minutes, you can proceed to the manipulation.

At the end of the session of laser resurfacing, medical-esthetician provides recommendations on the care of the person and the skin, and designates to return to the reception. To be under the scrutiny of a specialist, it is not necessary.

The results of

Many of the brochures and articles on the internet promise that goes from less to see you very soon and, literally in 24 hours not to recognize his reflection in the mirror. It is not the truth. To achieve the visible result, it is necessary to the time. Summatim of the elements responsible for the firmness and elasticity of the skin, it does not occur in a single day, but a procedure, and noticeable improvement, though brief.

But after completing the course, you will find:

  • clear the oval of the face;
  • trim skin without bryly;
  • smooth, "glowing" color;
  • freckles, and hyperpigmentation will be less pronounced;
  • the pores reduced.

For the youth of this treatment will be effective in the prevention and helps to prevent the unwanted appearance of signs of aging.


The merits of these technologies a lot. In the first place, not invasive. The barrier function of the epidermis during the handling of the saved, the risks of infection or contamination are reduced to zero. In the second place, suitable for even the most delicate of the plots (the area of the eyes). In the third place, in postprotsedurny period is not necessary to remain in the hospital under the supervision of medical professionals, as is the case when you go to a plastic surgeon. In addition, in certain technologies, for example, should not remain for a long time at home. The next day, after laser skin resurfacing can safely go on your way, others do not notice traces of the intervention.

Another clear "advantage" is the ability to use the techniques of those who are afraid of injections and ready not morally to the injection of the visions.

It is interesting to know

It is considered that the main consumers of services aesthetic are women. It is a fallacy. Their strong points are satellites of the life in the last hour of taking care of themselves, it is not less and also call for the "portion of the youth" to cosmetologists. Described techniques are equally effective, both for the woman as for the male half of humanity.

To look younger, to return tone and firmness to achieve these goals, doctors often use a holistic approach and alternating the hardware injectable methods. So, after a laser rejuvenation of the skin, we recommend hyaluronic acid injections and fortified structures. This can be biorevitalizatsiya for extra hydration or mesotherapy for the power supply. Plastic mask are also not contraindicated.

When a "reset year" is not going to work?

No matter what method you decide to go. The three of them have contraindications. These include pregnancy and lactation, bleeding disorders, taking medications that contain retinoids.

It is forbidden to perform laser rejuvenation in the following diagnosis:

  • diabetes mellitus in the phase of decompensation;
  • epilepsy.
  • systemic diseases;
  • hemophilia;
  • oncology.

In case of violation of the integrity of the skin (purulent inflammation of the herpes infection, open wounds) the methodology for the laser resurfacing is contraindicated. Also, not all people with a predisposition to keloid scars.


At the end of any session of laser rejuvenation of the face and body of a good dermatologist-cosmetician will be the fate of nursing in the period after the procedure. We recommend your respect. This will avoid unpleasant side effects.

The rules that you must follow strictly:

  • defense against ultraviolet light. Do not use the solarium, do not take baths of sun, get out in the fresh air, use a sunscreen with an SPF factor of not less than 30;
  • avoid the hot water of the shower, the sauna, the swimming pool;
  • do not use cosmetics (care and decorative), peeling, skrabami until complete healing;
  • of the need to clean up the plot, has been subjected to the correction, designated by the media specialist;
  • on the day of the walk to the beautician is not recommended exercise or physical work.

To say goodbye with the stench of wrinkles, ptosis, returned to feel young, there are many paths. How to use – you choose.

What clinic held laser rejuvenation of the summit, can be predicted in advance, by calling the attention on a number of factors:

  • the institution holds a license for the provision of health services;
  • the staff is comprised of dermatologists and not of aesthetics-the beauticians. The specialists have finished health-related institutions, have a superior education adapted to the needs;
  • used the original computer of the major companies, yes he has, and not little-known analogues of unknown origin.